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2021 Heading link

  • K.S. Almberg, L. Friedman, L. Go, D.A. Harris, K. Mastel, C.S. Rose, M. Tomann, W. Vonhof, D. Weems Jr., L. Zell-Baran, and R.A. Cohen. (2021). Substantial Burden of Lung Obstruction Observed Among Former U.S. Coal Miners Who Never Smoked.
  • K.S. Almberg, C.N. Halldin, L. Friedman, L. Go, C.S. Rose, and R.A. Cohen. (2021). Excess Mortality from Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease, Lung Cancer, and Pneumoconiosis Is Increasing in US Coal Miners. 
  • L. Go, K.S. Almberg, C.S. Rose, L. Zell-Baran, D. Harris, M. Tomann, W. Vonhof, D. Weems, L. Friedman, K. Mastel, R.A. Cohen. (2021). Clinically Significant Lung Function Abnormalities Among US Former Coal Miners with and Without Radiographic Coal Workers’ Pneumoconiosis.
  • R.A. Cohen, C.S. Rose, L.H.T. Go, L. Zell-Baran, K.S. Almberg, E. Sarver, H. Lowers, C. Iwaniuk, S. Clingerman, D. Richardson, J.L. Abraham, C. Cool, A. Franko, A.F. Hubbs, J. Murray, M. Orandle, S. Sanyal, N. Vorajee, F.H.Y. Green. (2021). Pathologic Findings of Progressive Massive Fibrosis in Contemporary Coal Miners Show Features of Accelerated Silicosis Compared to Historical Cases.
  • L. Zell-Baran, K.S. Almberg, L. Go, R.A. Cohen, C. Iwaniuk, C.N. Halldin, J.L. Abraham, C. Cool, A. Franko, F.H.Y. Green, J. Murray, S. Sanyal, N. Vorajee, E. Sarver, H. Lowers, C.S. Rose. (2021). Contemporary Coal Miners with Progressive Massive Fibrosis Have Shorter Mining Tenures Compared to Their Historic Counterparts. 
  • L. Go, J.L. Abraham, K.S. Almberg, C. Cool, A. Franko, F.H.Y. Green, J. Murray, C.S. Rose, S. Sanyal, N. Vorajee, L. Zell-Baran, A. Hubbs, M. Orandle, S. Clingerman, D. Richardson, H. Lowers, E. Sarver, R.A. Cohen. (2021). Increase in the Proportion of Silica-Type Progressive Massive Fibrosis Suggested Over the History of the National Coal Workers’ Autopsy Study.
  • J.T. Hua, L. Zell-Baran, L.H.T. Go, M.R. Kramer, J.B. van Bree, D.C. Chambers, D.N. Deller, K. Newbigin, M.A. Matula, E.M. Fireman, M. Dahbash, C. Martinez-Gonzalez, A. León-Jimenez, C.S. Sack, K.S. Almberg, R.A. Cohen, C.S. Rose. (2021). Occupational Exposure and Clinical Characteristics Among Engineered Stone Fabrication Workers with Silicosis in an International Registry.
  • Gandhi, S. A., Cohen, R. A., Blanc, P. D., & Go, L. H. T. (2021). Early radiographic pneumoconiosis is associated with impaired exercise gas exchange among coal miners with normal resting spirometry. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 64(6), 453–461.
  • Friedman, L.S., De, S., Almberg, K.S., & Cohen, R.A. (2021). Associations Between Financial Conflicts of Interest and ILO Classifications for Black Lung Disease. 

2020 Heading link

  • Almberg, K.S., Friedman, L.S., Rose, C.S., Go, L.H.T., & Cohen, R.A. (2020). Progression of coal workers’ pneumoconiosis absent further exposure. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 77(11): 748-751.
  • Go, L.H.T., & Cohen, R.A. (2020). Coal workers’ pneumoconiosis and other mining-related lung disease: new manifestations of illness in an age-old occupation.” Clinics in Chest Medicine, 41(4): 687–96.

2019 Heading link

  • Friedman, L.S., Almberg, K.S., & Cohen, R.A. (2019). Injuries associated with long working hours among employees in the US mining industry: Risk factors and adverse outcomes. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 76(6): 1-7.

2018 Heading link

  • Almberg, K.S., Friedman, L.S., Swedler, D., & Cohen, R.A. (2018). Mine Safety and Health Administration’s Part 50 program does not fully capture chronic disease and injury in the Illinois mining industry. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 61(5): 436-443.
  • Almberg, K.S., Halldin, C.N., Blackley, D.J., Laney, A.S., Storey E., Rose, C.S., Go, L.H.T., & Cohen, R.A. (2018). Progressive massive fibrosis resurgence identified in U.S. coal miners filing for black lung benefits, 1970-2016. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 15 (12): 1420-1426.
  • Mabila, S.L., Almberg, K.S., Friedman, L., & Cohen, R. (2018). High exposure mining occupations are associated with obstructive lung disease, National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), 2006-2015. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 61(9): 715-724.
  • Mabila, S.L., Almberg, K.S., Friedman, L., Cohen, R., Ndlovu, N., Vorajee, N., & Murray, J. (2018). Occupational emphysema in South African miners at autopsy; 1975-2014. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 91: 981-990.

2017 Heading link

  • Almberg, K.S., Cohen, R.A., Blackley, D.J., Laney, A.S., Storey, E., & Halldin, C.N. (2017). Linking compensation and health surveillance data sets to improve knowledge of US coal miners’ health. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 59(10): 930-934.
  • Graber, J.M., Harris, G., Almberg, K.S., Rose, C.S., Petsonk, E.L., & Cohen, R.A. (2017). Increasing severity of pneumoconiosis among younger former US coal miners working exclusively under modern dust-control regulations. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 59(6): e105-e111.

2016 Heading link

  • Cohen, R.A. (2016). Resurgent coal mine dust lung disease: wave of the future or a relic of the past? Journal of Occupational Environmental Medicine, 73(11): 715-716.
  • Graber, J.M., Worthington, K., Almberg, K.S., Meng, Q., Rose, C.S., & Cohen, R.A. (2016). High cigarette and poly-tobacco use among workers in a dusty industry: New Jersey quarry workers. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 58(4): e133-e139.
  • Schroedl, C.J., Go, L.H.T., & Cohen, R.A. (2016). Coal mine dust lung disease: the silent coal mining disaster. Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews, 12(1): 65-73.

2015 Heading link

  • Cohen, R.A., Petson, E.L., Rose, C., Young, B., Regier, M., Najmuddin, A., Abraham, J.L., Churg, A., & Green, F.H.Y. (2015). Lung pathology in U.S. coal workers with rapidly progressive pneumoconiosis implicates silica and silicates. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 193(6): 673-680.
  • Mabila, S.L., Gracia, G., Cohen, R., Almberg, K.S., Friedman, L.S. (2015). Injury and illness data for Illinois mining industry employees, 1990-2012. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 57(12): 1305-1310.

2014 Heading link

  • Go, L.H.T., Krefft, S.D., Cohen, R.A., & Rose, C.S. (2014). Lung disease and coal mining: what pulmonologists need to know. Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine, 22(2): 170-178.
  • Graber, J.M., Stayner, L.T., Cohen, R.A., Conroy, L.M., Attfield, M.D. (2014). Respiratory disease mortality among US coal miners; results after 37 years of follow-up. Journal of Occupational Environmental Medicine, 71(1): 30-39.

2013 Heading link

  • Cohen, R.A., Green, F., Abraham, J.L., Churg, A., Petsonk, E.L., MacNeill, S.K., Tramma, S., & McAteer, D. (2013). Coal mine dust lung disease among miners killed in The Upper Big Branch disaster – a systematic review of lung pathology. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 4(5): 6.
  • Petsonk, E.L., Rose, C., & Cohen, R. (2013). Coal mine dust lung disease. New lessons from an old exposure. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 187(11): 1178-1185.